s谩bado, 16 de mayo de 2020


Hello readers!馃憢馃憢 This is our last week馃槗 of being part of 8 plus half, I am Patricia and I have played the role of curator馃馃惍. This task has been the longest馃槄 one and although it has been quite difficult to organize ourselves from our respective homes, I think that the result has been amazing馃槏.

As I said, the task has been quite long, and it has had different parts, so I think this is the week in which we have used more links, apps, etc. So, we have loads of refferences:


10 Experimentos para hacer con tus ni帽os. (2020). Retrieved 16 May 2020, from https://www.quo.es/ciencia/g40660/10-experimentos-cientificos-que-puedes-hacer-con-tus-hijos/ 

Sick Science. (2012). Incredible Egg Geode [Video].https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VezcQMpIp5c

Farr茅, C. (2017). XXI JORNADAS DE ACUARELA [Picture]. Retrieved from https://elegirhoy.com/evento/congresos/xxi-jornadas-de-acuarela
EdWarehouse. SCIENCE LAB DESIGNER CUT OUTS [Picture]. Retrieved from https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/573083121332547634/
 Makemegenius. (2011, february 3rd). Respiratory System for Kids (Breathing) [Video]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydX8Lw4q2Mk&feature=youtu.be
Zafra, M. & Blanco, P. (10th April 2020). As铆 ataca el coronavirus en los casos m谩s letales. El Pa铆s.com. Retrieved from https://elpais.com/sociedad/2020/04/08/actualidad/1586348055_291666.html
Bolivar, G. Cristalizaci贸n r谩pida por descenso brusco de la temperatura [Picture]. Retrieved from https://www.lifeder.com/cristalizacion
Plata, C., Alvarado, M. & Chaverra, W. Huevo Geoda: Cristalizaci贸n [Message in a blog]. Retrieved from  https://geodeegg4chemistry.weebly.com/explicacioacuten-quiacutemica.html

Seguillon, G. (2019). Aladdin’s cave of wonders [Picture]. Retrieved from https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Z5oQaG


Bring your lessons to life with Expeditions | Google for Education. (2020). Retrieved 16 May 2020, from https://edu.google.com/products/vr-ar/expeditions/ 

Tour Creator. (2018). Retrieved 16 May 2020, from https://arvr.google.com/tourcreator/ 

Smartech group. (2016). AR Map (5.0 Version)[ App]. Retrieved from:  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.smartechgroup.bcnmapp&hl=es_419

Extrapolitan. (2018). The Original Tour (2.6 Versi贸n) [App]. Retrieved from: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.extrapolitan.theoriginaltour


magic-lamp-aladin-prodip-iconos. (2017). [Image]. Retrieved from https://www.freepik.es/vector-premium/magic-lamp-aladin-prodip-iconos_3033062.htm#page=1&query=lampara de aladino&position=16 
McCauley III, L. (2019). #ABU #ALADDIN #DISNEY #MONKEY #PROTAGONIST [Fotograf铆a]. Recuperado de https://picsart.com/zh_hans/i/310613767131211

WALL-E. (2011). [Image]. Retrieved from http://deskarati.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/wall-e6.jpg 

Xeecos. (2015). Makeblock (3.5.1 Version) [App]. Retrieved from: https://www.makeblock.com/steam-kits/codey-rocky 

Xeecos. (2018). mBlock- Scratch-based Programming Software (2.0 Version) [App]. Retrieved from: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.makeblock.mblock&hl=es 

Reap.as.I.sow. (2018). Sibelius (3.1 Version) [App]. Retrieved from:

That's all for the moment, with this week's refferences we have also finished the big diagram馃搱 that all the curator farmers from our group have been preparing throughout the last months, here you can see馃憖 the final result, I hope you enjoy it❤:


Bye readers!馃挄馃挄


Welcome ladies and gentlemen to what seems to be this gentleman´s last stand as facilitator in this first year of primary education. I indeed some matters to clarify in regards to these week´s work, since I believe it to have been the most demanding of all projects we have done until now, taking into consideration that the project was also prolongued to more than a week, with me as its facilitator, the one in charge of administration of all the group´s work, which I can´t precisely say was an easy task, but we went through it with effort and teamwork, as it should be. I am very well aware of just how stressful these situations may be, however, this is what will make us stronger in advance, we will improve further and develop ourselves into more competent teachers than before.

Along these weeks I have been "assessing" the group´s work; to begin with, we started the project through making a call in which I organized all the project, dividing the group in three subgroups as to take care of all the three activities to deal with, all making whats app groups in order to work properly and not overwhelm the main group, where all propositions regarding general work were made.

During the weeks, all groups were pretty active, making their corresponding  progress in their documents. Although some problems and inconsistencies were found, all conviniently fixed in due time.

To be precise, what was the most bothersome to deal with was paying attention to all four groups; general group, stop motion group, augmented reality group and robots group, as well as trying to keep them all under check while I dealt with my own duties. But all things considered, I did my best to help them as they needed as well as individually assessed their doubts and bothers as they came. We also made a second meeting where all doubts were resolved as well as made the arrangements for documents to be used and so on.

Generally speaking, these two weeks have been a true challenge for me, I have had the chance to test my perseverance, patience and capability to deal with problems and disparities, and I must say that within my limits regarding squedule and so on, I have done quite the job, all have done what they could, no one has missed their duty, which is something to be grateful for, and not much more to say. May you enjoy your day.

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2020


Hello guys. I am F谩tima and this week and a half I have had the pleasure of being analyst.
I think that having to accomplish this role has been a challenge for me, as I wanted to demonstrate a huge improvement and a remarkable difference between the last time that I have been analyst and now.

This Global Project that we have been working on was the most important of all the activities that we have done until now as well as the most stressful due to the difficult form of communication. But, overall, this huge activity has meant a test. A test in which the key point to get over it and stand out is TEAM WORK.馃懎

For that reason, this activity as been enriching in terms of transmiting us group values: coordination, group confidence, brainstorming and group analysis. Some of us have understood it excelent and have internalized it, others have understood it but they didn't put it into practice and others not even have realized about this idea.

However, despite of the diffeerent levels of group cohesion awareness within the group, it is a fact that the combination of the diverse attitudes, actions, ideologies and feelings of the members within the group bring about meaningful and original ideas. In general, in this activity I have felt that our group really has entered in an atmosphere based on consensus and reciprocal participation.

I have been imagining how the process of the whole activity would have been outside this exceptional situation. It is clear that it would have be more gratifying and enjoyable. Communication among us would have been more efficient and easier. We are social beings and affectivity and social relationships are essential in the group馃挊. Related to that, I think that the messages of motivation and encouragement created within the group along this overwhelming week has been the best part of the activity, without considering also the huge satisfaction of seeing that the complex project was turning into the activity that we desired.

The worst part was the first days of the creation of the activity. We were a little bit confused about the contents that were meant to be explained on each activity and also we had insecurity about wether our ideas were conducted in an appropriate way.馃槹

In terms of the subject content that we have studied, it is directly linked to the recent crisis that we are living. This opportunity of doing a deep research with technologies provides us with a broader knowledge about our professional career apart from having the chance of offering students different and funny forms of learning beyond the classroom and beyond the classroom walls (as now with COVID-19).

I have realized that the fact of working in groups and sharing ideas is related with some contents of SCHOOL ORGANIZATION such as the term of learning communities. We are trying within the group to create new knowledge through combining our different ideas.

Honestly, I think that as group we need to keep this cooperation that has been arising. Throughout the diverse sessions of the course, I have noticed a great improvement. From my point of view we have learnt to be focused on efficiency and organization apart from learning how to delegate, what doesn't mean lack of consensus.

Talking about my role, I really have realized that it is very useful and that helps you to be critical, objective and analytical. Moreover, it trains you in constructing your own assessment criteria that in our future job will be very important.

Finally, I don't want to finish without mentioning that it has been a pleasure working with such kind and funny people. I hope that after that course that is coming to an end, I would have the chance of working again with them. I think that we have reached a healthy environment based on hard work and good vibes.馃挮馃挓

Hope you enjoy it!



Hello everyone!!

We are David and Ver贸nica and we have had the pleasure of being the stars of this last week, what could be better than finishing this amazing subject being the stars!
Regarding our role during this week, we have to admit that we have carried out a great deal of tasks than just being stars. Indeed, when we started this project, just with reading about it, we knew that we had to do MANY things, but not actually those MANY things that we did.

Thanks to our facilitator, organization came to our life, he fulfilled his role efficiently and divided us in three different groups as to work in the three different activities; robotics, augmented reality and stop motion. In Vero's case she belonged to the Augmented Reality's group as for David's case he was in the Robots' group (don't blame us for being talking in 3rd person singular XD). 

In Vero's group, each one in the group worked in a different activity being the third one hers, but despite the fact that we were working in group, communication was everything for us in order to give harmony and coherence to the full project, we never forgot that tenet in our mind, because we wanted to show a good job but also the point that we had been working as a group. So that, we helped each other in each activity, we developed a written file for the project itself, a ppt for the presentation in our eportfolio as well as the class' presentation and as stars we also wrote a script to organise our ideas adequately. 

Sometimes, working as a group is a marvelous thing because what you can't see, others can see it, it is very benefitial that not only one person supervise everything, because in the case of having such a big project it is very likely that you miss some detail, so feedback was essential. The day before the presentation, David and I rehearsed it and put in common ideas to express what we really wanted to in order to be precise. Our main aim was selling our project in the best way that we could, because we really thought and think that all of our effort was worthy to be appreciated and shown without losing any piece of our genuine ideas. 

Suddenly, the moment arrived, the class started and we were ready for it, we were really looking forward to showing our baby to the rest of the class and to get some possible detail to make it brilliant. Unfortunately, timing wasn't on our side, but Linda gave us the opportunity to show it just a couple of hours later, we really appreciated the alternative of being in the same day, we were so sad thinking that we had to wait until next Thursday. 

Our moment took place and despite some technical problems which are currently our bread and butter, we went ahead and we think that we went out of the hurry. We started giving an introduction, explaining the structure of our project, the meaning of the whole project and its title, the lenght of the sessions and the students' distribution, then David continued talking about robots activities and Vero finished the whole presentation because David was fighting against technology, it was very heroic and metaphorical! 

With everything said, I have to say that we have had an amazing opportunity to learn impressive things about technology and a possible feedback would be that it's better working in small groups than in a big group, it's very difficult that everyone will be as committed as you are. I hope that you will like this blog as much as I do and that you will have learned as much as we have done. Thanks all for reading it!!  


Hi everyone! I’m Luc铆a and my last role has been the translator馃挱馃拋. The funniest part is that this is the role I started with and the role which I will end this journey with.
I’m getting emotional… 馃槩馃槈

sad face GIF

For the last couple of weeks, we have been working in task 10, which consisted of creating a set of 3 activities, similar to the ones for Un D铆a en el Cole de Mi Maestro, using robots馃, stop motion馃帴 and augmented reality 馃摫.

This task has been sincerely one of the ones we liked the most, since creating activities for our students will be essential in the future. I must admit that it also took a lot of hard work: planning all the activities, completing them so that they were close to perfect, preparing the demos, presentations of the whole project… But it was totally worth it.

We worked on mini-groups, as suggested by our facilitator 脕lvaro, and I think it was a great idea, because that way, each group could focus better on each activity. But, at the same time, we shared our progress with each other and tried to give the project a global and common character.

I was, along with Patricia and David, in the group of robots. At first, we discussed several ideas involving an app similar to programming, but at the end we decided to go with Codey Rocky. We wanted to give it a different approach to the one used in UDCMM, and then it came to my mind: why not make Codey Rocky sing a song from the movie “Aladdin”, in which our project is based?

Moreover, it was perfect to relate my two studies: music (I am a pianist) 馃幎 and Primary Education 馃彨馃懇‍馃彨. We even related the activity with Maths, which I think was a great success, since not many activities try to portray Maths in an amusing way.

As for my task as translator to select 5 core terms, here they are:
- QR code: it is a kind of code in an image format, that can be easily scanned by anyone with a phone. Its main purpose is to make content more accessible, in circumstances in which using an URL, for example, is not the easiest option. The QR codes we created were mainly thought for the tools used in the activities, but we found them so useful that we used them for some of the demos as well.

- Instructions for students: they are the set of oral or written orders given to the students by the teacher relating to an activity or task. For this project, we wrote both what oral instructions would be like and instructions in form of a worksheet. Both oral and written instructions are useful, but the most convenient option would be explaining the instructions orally and including them in a written format as well, so that the kids can remember what they have to do in case they missed out on something.

- Demo of the artifacts: there was a bit of confussion at first about this term. It is basically the creation of a physical object the students themselves would create through one of our activities, or the demonstration of a process they would carry out. The purpose of demos is basically to show what we expect our students to do and confirm that it is possible to create (if we don’t know how to create that something, how are we supposed to expect them to do the same?). Some examples of demos of the artifacts in our project were: a video playing the recorder, coding screenshot, video of Codey Rocky singing a song (robots activity); a demonstration video using augmented reality; a demonstration video creating the gems the kids will create (stop motion activity).

Demos stop motion: https://youtu.be/ULZ5yOzJqyM
Video playing the recorder: https://youtu.be/LMp6pjVnbTI
Codey Rocky singing: https://youtu.be/6pnjIHQbwiE
Augmented reality demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZuJq_YUwU8

- Process diagram: it is a representation of the steps or stages that are part of a larger process or procedure. It usually includes schematic symbols, arrows and images that make the process comprehensible with just one look. We could say it serves as a way of summarizing information about a process in a visual way.

- Aumentaty Scope: it is an app available both for computers and smartphones, which allows us to visualize previously created projects of augmented reality when scanning a picture in real life.

For the last part, I have to create a specific question ❓ about the weaknesses of the topic of this week. This is the question I decided to create: What are the weak points of using these technologies (robots, stop motion and augmented reality) in a class environment?

The first weak point is the lack of resources (especially technological) that is present in a lot of schools. The activites with these technologies can be splendidly planned, but that doesn’t mean they could be carried out in every class of every school, since the environment plays a huge role in education. Codey Rocky, for example, costs quite a lot of money, and even if the school could afford it, it would be interesting that this tool would be used for more than just one activity.

Another weak point (or at least, complicated part) is the planification of time for the activities. You don’t know how the kids will react to the technologies, if they will find it too difficult to use and then more time than expected will need to be used.

But, to be fair, the application of these technologies in a class environment can have marvelous effects as well: motivating the children, getting them out of the routine, helping them develop technological skills at the same time they develop other academical skills… Definitively, an option worth to consider to put into practice in the class. 馃懄馃徎馃懅馃従

And being this (probably) my last post on this blog, I would like to end it with a message of hope for everyone: we will get through this situation. Be responsible and appreciate all you have.

And by the way, good luck with your exams! 馃槈

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2020


Hello everybody, were we are again and this post is our last one as journalists馃様. We are Lorena and Marina and we can say without doubt that the creation of this blog has been amazing. Also, we are amazed of the great quantity of visualizations we have. THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH!!馃挃 Now, let's talk about the task because we are getting emotional 馃槩. If you see us crying it's because we are peeling onions 馃榿
The Office Crying GIF - TheOffice Crying MichaelScott GIFs

This week's task has been a sweet comeback to UDCMM 馃樆. This activity, that we did with the kids was fabulous and this time we had to create NEW ACTIVITIES ON OUR OWN!馃槵 Yes, it sounds insane because we have to do it in a week but we managed it perfectly and now we are going to tell you our evolution.

First of all, on Thursday 30th we had the explanation lesson with our teacher and inmediately after the class finished, we made a videoconference to share our ideas about how the activity should be done and we did brainstorming as usual 馃挱馃挰.We also subdivide the activities between us in order to be more efficient, so Luc铆a, David and Patricia were in charge of the robot activity; F谩tima, 脕lvaro and Lorena were in charge of the stop motion and Vero, Marina and Megan were in charge of the augmented reality. YES, I have said Megan 馃槃. She is with us in this last task, because 8plushalf cannot say goodbye without the special half 馃挒 . Despite having to split the activities, it doesn't mean that we forget about the rest of activities, but that we are more specialists in certain activities. On Sunday we had an important meeting, first all together and later the subgroups. In the global meeting, we talked about the development of our activities, the demos, the diagrams and all the stuff that is involved, discussing also how to do it everything in similar manners. Here you can observe a picture of us, HOT AF as always 馃敟:

During the week we were very busy preparing our activities 馃槗. We decided that our activities should have a shared theme, Aladdin's world. In augmented reality, we created a virtual trip that will give you goosebumps; in stop motion 馃摲 we created two scientific experiments related to Aladdin's cave of wonders and also this coronavirus situation 馃  and finally in the robot activity, we'll get our student to understand math and music in the Codey Rocky context. But no more SPOILERS, if you want to see them, check our Instagram account 8plushalf.

On Friday we had our last meeting to check if everything was fine and the development was correct. I know, you are thinking, this group is always together and having meetings, but we cannot deny that WE LOVE EACH OTHER 馃槏. We examined the title, the topics, the standards, the diagrams or the demos  among other things because the things requiered for this task were endless.

Finally, the presentation day arrived and our stars were brilliant 馃拋. They presented the activity like if they did everyday the same, with fluency and comfort and here you can watch them. Also we want to show you how our presentation was:

Regarding the blogs of our classmates, we want to consider the great job of "The Pickles" 馃憣(https://picklerict.blogspot.com/2020/05/a-tour-through-dark-side-of-moon-robots.html).
What really loved us was the deep descriptions of the robots activity, as well as we loved the idea of programing so easily to make a vehicle!馃檴

Surfing on the internet, we've found a website where explains which are the best apps of AR to include in a classroom: https://www.realinfluencers.es/2016/11/29/10-mejores-aplicaciones-realidad-aumentada-eduacion/ . We find this very useful since is perfect to inspirate yourself in order to program activities with augmented reality.馃槑

Finally, we want to say that working as journalists this week has been very enjoyable. In fact, this is our last role in this course馃様 but we are sure that it has been THE BEGINNING OF SOMETHING BIG!!
See U GIF by swerk

Marina and Lorena

domingo, 10 de mayo de 2020


Good morning readers!!
We're Lorena and Marina, this week journalists馃構we want to present the roles assigned for this week:

馃拏Facilitator: 脕lvaro Ramos

馃憖Analyst: F谩tima El Mnari

馃憛Translator: Luc铆a Alarc贸n

馃挮Stars: Ver贸nica Cano and David Crespo

馃挰Curator-Farmer: Patricia Caja

✌Journalists: Marina Ruip茅rez and Lorena Espa帽a

馃挀Helper: Megan Higgins

Eight plus half again wish you have a nice day.
See Ya Goodbye GIF