viernes, 15 de mayo de 2020


Hello guys. I am Fátima and this week and a half I have had the pleasure of being analyst.
I think that having to accomplish this role has been a challenge for me, as I wanted to demonstrate a huge improvement and a remarkable difference between the last time that I have been analyst and now.

This Global Project that we have been working on was the most important of all the activities that we have done until now as well as the most stressful due to the difficult form of communication. But, overall, this huge activity has meant a test. A test in which the key point to get over it and stand out is TEAM WORK.👭

For that reason, this activity as been enriching in terms of transmiting us group values: coordination, group confidence, brainstorming and group analysis. Some of us have understood it excelent and have internalized it, others have understood it but they didn't put it into practice and others not even have realized about this idea.

However, despite of the diffeerent levels of group cohesion awareness within the group, it is a fact that the combination of the diverse attitudes, actions, ideologies and feelings of the members within the group bring about meaningful and original ideas. In general, in this activity I have felt that our group really has entered in an atmosphere based on consensus and reciprocal participation.

I have been imagining how the process of the whole activity would have been outside this exceptional situation. It is clear that it would have be more gratifying and enjoyable. Communication among us would have been more efficient and easier. We are social beings and affectivity and social relationships are essential in the group💘. Related to that, I think that the messages of motivation and encouragement created within the group along this overwhelming week has been the best part of the activity, without considering also the huge satisfaction of seeing that the complex project was turning into the activity that we desired.

The worst part was the first days of the creation of the activity. We were a little bit confused about the contents that were meant to be explained on each activity and also we had insecurity about wether our ideas were conducted in an appropriate way.😰

In terms of the subject content that we have studied, it is directly linked to the recent crisis that we are living. This opportunity of doing a deep research with technologies provides us with a broader knowledge about our professional career apart from having the chance of offering students different and funny forms of learning beyond the classroom and beyond the classroom walls (as now with COVID-19).

I have realized that the fact of working in groups and sharing ideas is related with some contents of SCHOOL ORGANIZATION such as the term of learning communities. We are trying within the group to create new knowledge through combining our different ideas.

Honestly, I think that as group we need to keep this cooperation that has been arising. Throughout the diverse sessions of the course, I have noticed a great improvement. From my point of view we have learnt to be focused on efficiency and organization apart from learning how to delegate, what doesn't mean lack of consensus.

Talking about my role, I really have realized that it is very useful and that helps you to be critical, objective and analytical. Moreover, it trains you in constructing your own assessment criteria that in our future job will be very important.

Finally, I don't want to finish without mentioning that it has been a pleasure working with such kind and funny people. I hope that after that course that is coming to an end, I would have the chance of working again with them. I think that we have reached a healthy environment based on hard work and good vibes.💫💟

Hope you enjoy it!


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