viernes, 15 de mayo de 2020


Hello everyone!!

We are David and Verónica and we have had the pleasure of being the stars of this last week, what could be better than finishing this amazing subject being the stars!
Regarding our role during this week, we have to admit that we have carried out a great deal of tasks than just being stars. Indeed, when we started this project, just with reading about it, we knew that we had to do MANY things, but not actually those MANY things that we did.

Thanks to our facilitator, organization came to our life, he fulfilled his role efficiently and divided us in three different groups as to work in the three different activities; robotics, augmented reality and stop motion. In Vero's case she belonged to the Augmented Reality's group as for David's case he was in the Robots' group (don't blame us for being talking in 3rd person singular XD). 

In Vero's group, each one in the group worked in a different activity being the third one hers, but despite the fact that we were working in group, communication was everything for us in order to give harmony and coherence to the full project, we never forgot that tenet in our mind, because we wanted to show a good job but also the point that we had been working as a group. So that, we helped each other in each activity, we developed a written file for the project itself, a ppt for the presentation in our eportfolio as well as the class' presentation and as stars we also wrote a script to organise our ideas adequately. 

Sometimes, working as a group is a marvelous thing because what you can't see, others can see it, it is very benefitial that not only one person supervise everything, because in the case of having such a big project it is very likely that you miss some detail, so feedback was essential. The day before the presentation, David and I rehearsed it and put in common ideas to express what we really wanted to in order to be precise. Our main aim was selling our project in the best way that we could, because we really thought and think that all of our effort was worthy to be appreciated and shown without losing any piece of our genuine ideas. 

Suddenly, the moment arrived, the class started and we were ready for it, we were really looking forward to showing our baby to the rest of the class and to get some possible detail to make it brilliant. Unfortunately, timing wasn't on our side, but Linda gave us the opportunity to show it just a couple of hours later, we really appreciated the alternative of being in the same day, we were so sad thinking that we had to wait until next Thursday. 

Our moment took place and despite some technical problems which are currently our bread and butter, we went ahead and we think that we went out of the hurry. We started giving an introduction, explaining the structure of our project, the meaning of the whole project and its title, the lenght of the sessions and the students' distribution, then David continued talking about robots activities and Vero finished the whole presentation because David was fighting against technology, it was very heroic and metaphorical! 

With everything said, I have to say that we have had an amazing opportunity to learn impressive things about technology and a possible feedback would be that it's better working in small groups than in a big group, it's very difficult that everyone will be as committed as you are. I hope that you will like this blog as much as I do and that you will have learned as much as we have done. Thanks all for reading it!!  

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