viernes, 14 de febrero de 2020


Hi! My name is Fátima and I am the Eight plus half’s analyst.
In general, I have to mention that we have been a well coordinated group.
We have learned not only about the subject contents but also about how a group works. 
Resultado de imagen de imagenes de profesores en grupo
First, 6th Thursday was the day that our teacher presented us the task (TPACK-ACAD).
The facilitator divided the roles and then each one of the members’ group searched information
about TPACK and ACAD, completing the document with the five questions that the stars would
have to expose the following Tuesday. Once we understood the main concepts and how these theories
can be represented and explained to our partners, we thought about the preparation of the physical

This day the internalization of the ideas of such methods and the creation of the project was possible
thanks to the team work and the cooperative environment which arised👫.
I have observed that doing brainstorming and sharing our different points of view was essential to
become an effective group apart from seeing others perspectives and be more motivated and creative💬💭.
Moreover, I considered important our ability of distributing tasks. It is shown when we had to divide the
parts of the physical project. In our case, ones did the puzzle pieces, others the decoration figures and
the facilitator did the title and brought the cardboards.
What we liked most of the activity was the moment of constructing the project. We enjoyed that time
pasting the puzzle pieces and overall observing the final result, identical to the idea that we expected.
I should point out that everyone learned upon their role, acquiring aptitudes essential to the performance
of the group. For example, the journalists got practice using instagram and discovering how blogspot
functions, the curator farmers worked quicklier converting the sources on APA format and the stars
faced the difficult situation of speaking in public. Moreover, the facilitator learned how to distribute tasks
adopting the suitable measures to every member.
What is more, this team work has taught us that the reciprocal support is very important even an
indispensable instrument that fosters the connection of the members, supplying the own knowledge of
each one of us. 

The concepts that we have tackled are related to technologies, methodologies, knowledge and team
work. These terms are familiar to us because in educational action planning we also have studied
(as in TPACK) that the content knowledge has to be linked to the pedagogical and technological
knowledge to bring about the learning outcomes in the students. It is not what we teach, it is how and
where such contents are taught.
Resultado de imagen de conjunto de asignaturas colegio
In addition, the terms that we have approached are crucial to become an effective teacher, since we
should adapt to our pupils circumstances and needs, knowing about the content selected, what tools
we can use to facilitate their learning and in what way we should explain such knowledge. So, TPACK
and ACAD provides us a new and broader approach for applying individualized teaching techniques.
However, what I would stand out is that working in group gave us the opportunity to practice and get
used to the school’s institution and, thus, improve as teachers.
The team work that we have carried out is the one that we will execute in a few years with our colleagues
having to create activities jointly and having to demonstrate our abilities of delegate and allocate roles.
In my opinion, to continue being coordinated and working as we did we should stay as connected as now,
sharing our personal opinions and being critical analysts at all parts of the activity.

Finally, I would say that although we have specific roles each of us have contributed collectively to both
preparation and accomplishment of the activity, respecting and helping each other with their task.
Resultado de imagen de imagenes de equipo docente animado

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