viernes, 28 de febrero de 2020


Welcome once again ladies and gentlemen!, to this little space my group and I have here as to  exercise our experience and new schemes into these little posts.
For myself, I am Álvaro, and i have had the pleasure of being the annalyst for this week, which has given me the chance to do one of the things i do best; oberving, annalysing, reflecting, and concluding.
Personally, i have dedicated a great porcentage of the time in class to watching the rest as i accomplished my duties, this as to give a more exhaustive reflection on my functionality. As far as the week has been, i believe it has given us quite the bit of experience in every way shape and form, at least as far as i have observed.

                            Resultado de imagen de experience

If i had to make any important appointments, it would have to be these:

  • For every group to consider itself a working team, certain efficiency norms must be met in order to consider it as such, since it is pointless for people to join together as to work as a unity if they cannot learn from each other, directly learn from what they are doing, making others learn with their work, or simply be able to cooperate together. Taking this into consideration, Our group has made great advancements during this week: 

                                  Resultado de imagen de soldier team

    •    Simply put,  we have made a brainstorming of all the methods, activities, variables and tasks that we are to include in our project in order to make it sufficiently efficient when it comes for next week´s activities, in which we will be already recieving our children for the so called "un día en el cole de mi maestro". Important to point out, our components have had each a great importance during this week as presented in the questionnaire, each presenting his/her own tasks and accomplishing them accordingly, something to be relieved about, since finding such a working environment, with good collegues to support you and give you new ideas while presenting the requested attitude towards you and your word, basically good people, is quite the scarce resource to find nowadays...
                                  Resultado de imagen de good people
    •    For this, the one sole most important factor  is indeed the organization of every thing we are performing next week, as well as the initial touches of materials that we will be using for the future, one of which is the story telling session in which we will be presenting our cinderella conjuncture to the children as for them to create their own ending for which some nice materials such as printables and models for them to create a STOP MOTION. Hope they have time to do it all in one session though.

  • If i had to otherwishe pick some other "not so preferible situations" it is of course those situations in which the working environment doesn´t go as planned either due to conflict between two components of which or because of overwhelming situations for work and tasks that the groups face from time to time, that are however dealt with in no time, for such conflicts are inflicted in an environment set by inmature, ignorant subjects who won´t empathize with the rest and will do no more than just think on their own personal interests, behaviors taht disrupt the group and spoil the experience. But, that is not the case here, so there aren´t many worries on the matter.
                             Resultado de imagen de maturity

  • But how can an educational activity be considered as such without actually learning something? Well, when it comes to learning, it is quite relative to deepen oneself in it, since not all of us have the same perception of this reality nor interest towards it, as perspectivism claims that is. For myself, i can securelly say that i have acquired quite a few things, such as knowledge on how others in my group  behave with themselves and their environment, since i have spent much time observing them, as well as methods to give use when it comes to activities to perform with children, creative, natural and artificial methods alike. All this together, even though probably considered as boring or unnecesary by many, to me, they are all of great value when it comes to empathy and using it, because in order to use empathy, one needs to have some minimal information on the other person, as to properly exercise as a supporter for these when the time comes or any other purpose, otherwhise, it is all but reduced to speculation. And that is how important is what i have learnt this week.
                            Resultado de imagen de the value of learning

When it comes to finding posible issues we may face either now or in the future, not much can be said really, we can always do more of course, we can always do better or try harder, but such a conception has its limits, for each one of us already has their corresponding context that conditions them for as much as they can do.

If i were to perfect something from our group, it would be trying to add the capability of not falling to stress and personal problems, but i recognize that such thing is tremendously hard to accomplish, this due to personal experience. However, it is perfectly posible, so that means that our group can be even more efficient, not by spending more time than we already do, but by bastly improving our already efficient working methodology.
                                         Resultado de imagen de no stress
All we have done during this week has also had an important wealth in educational values, many of them related to our feats here in Resources and ICT, some of the connections made here are directly related to the designs that ACAD presents , as well as the technological part that TPACK that is responsible for our usage of technologies and content development. We also looked at complexities that we constantly take into account as not to spoil our work, and so on. For the rest, we are continiously inmersed, even if unconsciously, in the rest of contents we have seen during this course, such as behaviorism, constructivism, the cognitive stages for children, equity-related theories and more to where they came from.

All in all, every thing we have done has a grade of importance, and even if not considered good enough, it is still good material indeed, born out of pure effort and sweat, for that is the meaning of efficiency, despite the result, the procedure has to be well spent...

Resultado de imagen de efficiency

Signing out, Álvaro.

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