viernes, 14 de febrero de 2020


Hi!👋 My name is Patricia Caja and this week I have played the role of the facilitator👌 in our work group, which we have called “8 and a half”. 

As you know, my function this week has been to supervise and organize the tasks between the members of our group.

I have to say that it has been quite easy due to the fact that we have work very well as a group, the organization of the tasks has been made by all of us in a collective way, I am quite happy with the way in which we have cooperated during the week.

The task of this week consisted on preparing a presentation  about the TPACK and the ACAD paired with a visual mind map which represents well all the information of our presentation.

 Firstly, we reunited all the information to answer the 5 questions of the presentation, secondly we designed the mind map, we considered that the form of the puzzle🧩 was quite original. Then, we divided the work and we decided which of us was in charge of each piece of the puzzle or the mural, and finally the day of the presentation, our stars Álvaro and Marina shined as real stars! They presented our mind map with a lot of effort and enthusiasm👍, we are very proud of them.

I believe we all have enjoyed this task, it has taught us new methodologies of teaching, and we have worked in a more dynamic and cooperative way than normally. Finally, I would like to thank to all my mates for working as hard as they have throughout all the week💕, and to remind all of you that all of this has just started, we will continue making an effort in every task during the rest of the year!😜

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