viernes, 21 de febrero de 2020


Hi again! This is Megan and Fátima here.  😊😊

This week we have taken on the role of being facilitators together. 👭
We have to begin saying that we LOVED it. Bearing in mind that we are both bossy boots, we really enjoyed having permision to supervise the team and tell people to pull up their socks if necesssary. 😇😈

Firstly, at the beginning of the week we organised what days we were available and had possibility of meeting up. We must say that this was a complicated job, due to the fact that this team is full of very busy people. When we finally agreed what days were best for everyone, then we could concentrate on getting our minds working brainstorming some ideas on the Project: "Un día en el cole de mi maestro". 😀👐


 Secondly, once we planned  approximately how much time was needed for each activity, then we split the tasks between the group. We would like to highlight that both of us facilitators agreed that ALL the members of our team had to be experts on every activity, so although we split some tasks we made sure all members were updated on every task.
We can't turn a blind eye to the fact that we reached every aim we previously planned for each day.
Previously, we made very clear  that  when we met up as a team everybody, individually, must have read the documents on the LMS about the activity we were going to focus on that day. 🔎
In addition, we have realized that having such knowledge of our members' roles facilitates communication and an understanding and plannification of the tasks apart from achieving a perfect group dynamic based on cooperation.

Although this week has been hard work as facilitators because we had to plan out three different activities on which some of us hadn´t experimented before meaning we had a lot of content to go over, we managed to help eachover and create great activities that we are sure the kids will really enjoy and learn from.

The organization was fundamental for the development of the planning for the next three weeks but we handled it easily, keeping on top, not getting overwhelmed and negotiating with the others. We have created a new knowledge as a product of our different opinions and imagination ability, being able to learn how to interconnect our personal ideas and bringing about our intended objectives. ✨📚

Last but not least we congratulated all the team for their hard work and we hope we upgrade each week.  💛😄

As facilitators we believe we have nailed it! 😜


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