martes, 11 de febrero de 2020


Hello everybody, this is Megan and Lorena ✌ This week we have had the pleasure to work together as journalists. This is the first time we have ever worked together and we have to say that we make a great team. We are really proud to say that although this is a novelty for our group, as we have never worked in this way, we have really enjoyed it and adapted well to the team work atmosphere.
As journalists we have loved observing and blogging about all our teams work. It has been a full on job that we believe is really important for everyone to understand our development during the week.
We hope you enjoy our blog post as much as we have enjoyed preparing it. :)

In the previous posts we explained what the task of the last week was about and now it has been  succesfully finished we are going to keep you up to date on the processs and the result of our presentation.

Today, 11th of February was our presentation #rict1920 💻📱

But before, arriving at this point we are going to explain what we have done since last Thursday.
As a very good facilitator💫 , Patricia divided the work between us. Our idea for to present TPACK and ACAD to the rest of the class was a brain with different ideas that all together made a puzzle. Each puzzle piece represented a vital question about TPACK and ACAD.
To create the pieces we used a huge variety of materials such as stickers, markers and crayons to make our pieces as visual as posible emphasising on not writing too much text and we believe that the result was satisfactory.  These are some of the pieces: 🔛

And this was the result:

The 'DAY' arrived and our stars Marina and Álvaro 🌟🌟 were prepared and anxious for sharing the knowledge with us📖. The distribution of the class was different, we put all the tables and chairs together in the middle of the class and the presentations were disposed on the walls around the classroom. The classroom looked a bit like a museum, the format was 'speed-learning' which means that each group had eight minutes 🕗 to do their presentations and the rest of the teams moved around the classroom listening to other's teams presentations 🔈. Here we have our brilliant stars prepared for the presentation:

( Please marry someone that looks at you the way Marina does at Álvaro)

Here you have a link to watch how our amazing stars presented our task to the rest of the class.

The rest of the group, as we said, were moving around the classroom. Their role was to listen to other peoples presentations and reach an agreement about the best 3 things of each presentation and also point out something that they could improve 📋📑.

The first group was 'Game of Phones' whose stars were Paula and Mauricio 📲. We really enjoyed their presentation. Their speaking skills were wonderful, they looked like professionals. Their presentation was really cool with bright colours that attracted our visual attention and they also made connections between questions. For coming presentations we suggest that they should include less text in the visual presentation.

Moreover, the next group was ' The Cheetah Girls' whose stars were María and Laura 🐆. Their presentation was also pretty good. Some of the best things were the use of emoticons, the fluency of their speech or the distribution of the ideas that was quite novel. Our suggestion is that they make the main ideas bigger because it was a bit difficult to see and that they talk louder because with the general noise of the classroom was quite loud, we had difficulties hearing them.

The following group was 'The Outsiders' whose stars were Paco and Miguel 👐. Their work was less visual and colourful than the previous ones and the duration of the speech was a little bit reduced. But also, they had some good things. They interacted with us, something that in our opinión was lacking  in previous presentations. They also connected knowledge from this task with previous subjects and knowledge we have acquired in our degree.Finally we would like to highlight that had  great fluency, it was clear that they understood what they were saying.

Afterwards, came 'TICchers'  📳💻 whose stars were María and Lola. In this presentation we were witnesses of a great teamwork between the stars. Moreover, the presentation was visually attractive and the way of presenting the ideas was original. Their failure was, like in other groups, the saturation of text in the presentation.

Lastly. 'The Picklers' whose stars were Natalia and Marta showed us their presentation 🍐🍃
This presentation was great. It was very visual and they used a huge variety of metaphors and examples to make the presentation more 'wordly' we think they explained everything really well. Also, they explained the reasons why they had chosen the way to present their presentation. If we have to point out something that we think could be improved, we would say the English pronunciation sometimes was not so good.

Having finished our presentations we listened to some feedback from our teachers of things that we can improve in following presentations. We found it helpful as for some this was our first "speed learning". 

However, our responsability as journalists does not end here.

As historians we have been doing some research on different blogs we think are handy for this subject and for teaching as future teachers. The first blog we are going to mention, talks about technology in the classroom. If it is a possitive resource for these “digital natives” we have as students. Also, we find helpful that it gives you some ideas of tools we can use in the classroom.

Although, the blog is aimed for teaching English to foreign students, we are on a bilingual course so we thought it could be helpful to be advised, not only as future teachers but also as current students.  In addition, we consider that nowadays, bearing in mind that most schools are bilingual, it is very useful to be kept up to date about how to  adapt English to any subject you want to teach.

Secondly we have been observing our classmates work and we really took an interest to the blog created by the group "Game of phones". We think their posts are well explained and visually it is striking to catch peoples attention.

We hope that you have enjoyed reading this post and see you soon 💕😘
PD: This is a photo of our wonderful group of future teachers 👦👧

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