jueves, 30 de abril de 2020


Hello everybody and welcome back to our wonderful blog!馃憣We are Lorena and Marina and this week we have been playing star's roles 馃専馃尃; it has been such an exhausting week with lot of work, and now we are going to explain our experience.

Kuwait Arabic GIF - Kuwait Arabic Busy GIFs

First of all and as previous weeks, on Tuesday we had an online class with the teacher where she explained us the activity, wich consisted of creating an infographic pointing the main elements that constitute a teacher competence for a digital world 馃捇. Afterwards and without delay, we arrange a meeting to analyze the activity and the document we needed to read. We also arrange another videocall 馃摴on Saturday. As you can see, we love to be together like a big family馃應.
On Saturday, we reunited in order to create the infographic, we wanted to make a very visual infographic with metaphores and these type of things, so we took into account the colours, shapes, format and so on in order yo create a perfect infographic 馃搳.

Finally, the big day arrived and we were both very nervous but also excited 馃槅.

Excited Modern Family GIF - Excited Modernfamily Shake GIFs

We explained our decisions for the infographic; the title, the background, the analogies and so on. Later, we explained simultaneously and briefly the 6 elements and finally we conclude reflecting not only about our infographic but also about the current world and educational situation. Here you can observe a picture from us where you can observe how BRILLIANT we were ( and hot AF also 馃敟) and also the transcription of what we said if you want to more about the theme.

Hello everybody we are 8 plus half and now we’re going to explain our infographic. First of all and as you can see we have made an analogy with being an effective digital teacher and the figure of Steve Jobs.  If you have been living in a cave, let me tell you that Steve Jobs was Apple’s founder, one of the most important technological enterprises.  He was also a genius, a visionary that changed the course of technology. Now, at the top of the image we observe the title: Is that a teacher or Steve Jobs? This makes an allusion to the comics world, where these types of sentences are very recurrent as in the beginning of Superman DC Comics. 
Adding to this, another detail that we would like to highlight is the choice of the background, there you can see the silhouette of New York’s skyline as making reference to the fictional city where Superman’s adventures take place, Metropolis, which is indeed inspired in the Big Apple.
Additionally and because we are very perfectionists, we didn’t find an infographic that seems perfect for us, so we decided to create one from scratch, taking under consideration that appearance is everything in an infographic, so that our choice for a blue colour scheme was not a coincidence, as we know that blue is a colour that transmits professionalism.

Now, and without delay, we are going to explain the elements that constitute the teaching competence for a digital world.
1. The first characteristic for being a digital educator involves the creation of emergent pedagogical practices, which includes deep understanding of the educational processes and teaching methodologies.
2. Next one, is being an expert in digital pedagogical content:  Effective teachers should be able to link the three types of knowledge: pedagogical, content and technological knowledge, as in the TPACK framework. That means, it is as important to have knowledge about methodologies, the subject matter and technology in general.
3. Thirdly, another important element implicates the perception of a teacher as a reflective and practical individual. According to this element the teacher creates an process of evaluation of a educational intervention, that can be teaching tools, materials or programmes.
4. Another element is being expert in enhanced organizational or personal learning contexts: This concept is very familiar to us because is the Personal Learning Environment. A teaching PLE is influenced by the new technologies. These ICTs have provided a shift in the way we construct and encode information in our memory, in the manner we amplify, adapt or enrich our learning.
5. Fifth, our teachers must be sensitive to the use of technology from the social commitment  perspective. As we live in a globalized world, we must educate our students to become critical thinkers, taking into account the role of technology as a tool for social obligation.  
6.The last element is about being able to use technology to expand teacher’s relationship with the student's family and environment. The use of technology allows teachers’ communication and cooperation with families and children's’ framework.

Technology is a rather powerful weapon if we know how to use it, according to the data offered in a survey, the greatest challenge in the introducement of technology in Spanish education is found in the educators’ formation and it’s there where the change must start, and that’s why this guide is proposed to them. Technology provides two great advantages, on the one hand, it makes possible to access to a greater number of content and resources and, on the other hand, it promotes autonomous learning. 
So that, we can conclude saying that bearing in mind all this data and the effects seen in the current situation where technology is playing an important role, technology is just a tool, it won’t replace teachers, it will make their work more efficient. Therefore, we have considered that the ideal thing to have more effective educational outcomes  would be a symbiotic relationship between technological knowledge represented in the figure of Steve Jobs and content and pedagogical knowledge represented in the role of a superhero teacher. 

This has been everything for this week. Go and check other posts form these weeks so you can find our infographic 馃憣. If you have enjoyed, please leave a comment and see you! 馃憢馃挌

Mila Stauffer GIF - Mila Stauffer Whatever GIFs


Hi everyone! I’m Luc铆a and I was this week’s journalist馃檵馃徎馃摳 Let me tell you what we were up to this week…

On Tuesday 21st, we were presented task 9: we would have to do an infographic based on a text about competences teachers need for a digital world馃捇馃懇馃徎馃彨馃懆馃徎

We agreed to all read the text “Holistic Teaching Competence for a Digital World” (2018) by Linda Casta帽eda, Francesc Esteve anda Jordi Adell 馃摉, and to do some research about infographics, so that the following day we could properly discuss how to approach this new task.

On Wednesday 22nd, we did an initial videoconference to discuss and distribute tasks. We decided to look for inspiration and examples of infographics and then to meet again on Saturday morning, to properly begin the design of our infographic.

On Thursday 23rd, we had a session that was a bit different to the ones we usually have. All the groups were arranged at a specific hour in order to be given individual feedback about our work to date. Regarding our meeting (at 9.30), we were told to improve some aspects of our blog: for translators not to do copy-paste, and to quote it if they do; for curator-farmers to show all the sources in a common conceptual map, so that we can come back to it any time we need it in the future; and for all of us to try to do better reflections on our blog entries. In addition, it would also be highly advisable to work as a group in a more united and coherent way.

On Saturday 25th, we agreed the structure that our infographic would have, as well as some icons we wanted to use. We all (through screen sharing) discussed what program to use. We started with Visme and the changed to Canva, which in my opinion was a great success. We then started to look for infographic templates, but we weren’t convinced by any of it, because we thought none of them was creative enough. That’s why we decided to create our own infogrraphic from scratch. This probably took more time than it would have taken if we had gone with a regular template, but it was definitely worth it, since the final product turned out to be both professional and original馃挭馃徏

On the afternoon of that same day, 脕lvaro and I started with a draft. It didn’t look bad, but we would later change the structure all over again, so that text wouldn’t be as charging.
This is our initial draft: 

We then spent Sunday afternoon, Monday morning and part of Monday afternoon trying to leave our infographic as stunning as possible. Vero had some really great ideas to make our infographic engaging and meaningful, such us including the city skyline and Steve Jobs figure on the middle. Here you have some pictures of the process 馃摲:

And this is the final product:

We couldn’t be more happy about the final result!! 馃槉

On Tuesday 28th, the big day arrived. Our starsMarina and Lorena had to present our infographic to our class, and despite the initial nerves, they did absolutely fantastic. They only had 2-3 minutes to explain it, but they managed to go over all the important aspects of the process we followed to create the infographic, explaining the color choice, metaphores included on it, the selection of information, etc…

As for the blogs of our classmates, we would like to highlight the one of Game of Phones. We especially liked the idea of portraying a road in their infographic, as a metaphor for the journey that it is to become a digitally competent teacher. Their infographic was also visually attractive and not too overloaded, which helps understand the topic. Here you have the link if you want to take a look at it: https://resourcesandict.wordpress.com/2020/04/23/facilitator-task-9/

As for external sites, I found an interesting article on a website about the use of infographics in education, which is really interesting and appropriate concerning this week's task. Among other things, the article deals with the benefits of infographics in education and how they can be used both by teachers and students. If you're interested in reading more about it, here you have the link: https://www.copypress.com/kb/infographics/the-benefits-of-infographics-for-education/

As for my personal thoughts about this week, I think it has provided me with interesting and useful new concepts, both theoretical and technological.

Regarding the theoretical aspects, reading the text “Holistic Teaching Competence for a Digital World” (2018) has enlightened me in order to better understand what a teacher needs to be competent not only using technology, about also living in a world where almost EVERYTHING has become technological. There is one specific aspect that has caught my attention and that I would like to highlight, and that is “the ability of teachers to use ICTs to enrich classical methodological models” and the importance of a teacher’s understanding of “the implications of the new methodologies that are inseparable from technologies” (Casta帽eda, Esteve and Adell, 2018). Based on that statement, I would like to remark the importance of integrating technology applied to education into our basic set of competences as future teachers, since this will be needed to think of methodologies and strategies including technology in the most natural and efficient way possible.

As much as I found useful the theoretical concept, I absolutely enjoyed the technological one: creating an infographic. I think that it has helped me improve my skill and knowledge about editing and designing, and my ability to learn how to use technological programs in an autodidactic way. Learning how to LEARN in an autonomous way, without needing anyone else to teach us something, is one of the abilities that I value the most and that, in my opinion, should be encouraged through all our lives.

That was all for this week馃槈. I hope you enjoyed both the documentation of the process and my personal reflection.

See you guys! 馃榿

Esteve, F., Casta帽eda, L., & Adell, J. (2018). A Holistic Model of Teaching Competence for the Digital World. REVISTA INTERUNIVERSITARIA DE FORMACI脫N DEL PROFESORADO-REIFOP, (91), 105-116. 

mi茅rcoles, 29 de abril de 2020


Welcome yet again my dearest ladies and gentlemen, to my last post as analyst as it may seem. It has trully been a beautiful journey of investigation and observation of other´s work and determining their overall efficiency towards the duty at hand, it is really a pleasure to me the fact of observing others, getting to understand them, even if while they are not noticing you 馃槇馃槅.

For this last week I must argue that it hasn´t nearly been the most complicated task we have done so far, what I can say though is that it took some sweet time to properly express as the idea on its own appeared simple to develop, but upon applying it, ended up being way more work than what we had initially anticipated.

To begin with, I am proud to say that I find myself relatively satisfied with the working efficiency we have met for this week, we took our time to think, we properly developed a plan in which to surround the rest of ideas, we shared and conformed tasks and accomplished them all without delay nor any time-related issue to take into consideration, though it is also necessary to mention that the splitting of tasks turned out to not be the best, as the creation of the infographic was actually quite que complex procedure that took way more time and effort to what we expected, as well as some technical difficulties that never get old in this modern times, and mostly in this moment of necessity in which we can only stay at home.

Or course, we all have endless things to learn, so many that this entire life of ours just isn´t enough to take it all in. However, that doesnt´eliminate the posibility of us still learning, we are humans after all, we adapt to our surroundings and survive through intelligence, learning all that is to be known all around us until we are unstopable, so much that we even get to be a threat to our very kind, so imagine just how much we can learn. Now talking about what we have learnt for this week, well, we have developed our abilities in many areas such as teamwork, coordination, task division, summing up of information, development of an infographic through research of objective information and formation of drafts through given applications and so on, so much on... at least related to general skills that is, if we got deeper into the facilitated document into teahers being digitally efficient in this contemporary age, then so much more can be taken out of it, even though most won´t even notice just how necesary these are given their ebident ignorance, or just lag of interest.

This one week, as any other, has been a week of apprenticeship alongside our classmates, each one of us showing what we are capable of, making choices that will result in future consequences, learning from what we do, or not, though all the same, a chance to develop ourselves as human beings none the less, human beings that will share a future into the world, within all of its curiously invented values such as society, politics, morals, ethics, economy industry, justice, evil, good, nuclear energy...

Such a being... such potential... thus most now wasted in foolish unnecesary necessities and costumes that do no more than harm...

This has been my second and last non-critical reflection, I shall walk alongside those so called giants, but never to their shadow, I shall learn from them indeed, but never depend on them for my own research, for we small people are there, and we are growing...thank you very much.


Hello everyone!!

We're almost at the end of the course and this was our penultimate task, we had to create an infographic, and I have to say that I am quite proud of how everyone worked in this project, we hope that you liked and learnt through it! It wasn't easy and we paid a lot of attention to every detail and it was the most similar thing to a craftsmanship. 

These sources have been organised alphabetically, we made a research to obtain data about how significant the impact of technology is in Spanish education to make our conclusion more enriching, adding data and figures which were a very important tool to make our infographic more appealing to our readers. 

Along this article we found the ideal information to put the icing on the cake:
Blinklearning. (2018, November 13). IV Estudio sobre el uso de la tecnolog铆a en la educaci贸n. Retrieved April 24, 2020, from https://www.realinfluencers.es/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/ivestudio-tic-2018-espa帽a.pdf

Expresiones en ingl茅s: hablar ingles como una nativo sin clases de ...
Moreover, we use Canva application to portray in the most efficient manner our design and ideas:

Canva - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Canva (Versi贸n canva design) [Software]. (2020). Retrieved from https://www.canva.com.

And here you can see the result:
Eight plus half. (2020, April 28). Is that Steve Jobs or a teacher?. Retrieved April 29, 2020, from  https://www.canva.com/design/DAD6kvQrG8g/JWCx7FR5GVAAb-en-Jphcw/view?utm_content=DAD6kvQrG8g&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=sharebutton

As for the information and theoretical tenets shown throughout the body of our infographic, we made use of this article:
Esteve, F., Casta帽eda, L., & Adell, J. (2018). A Holistic Model of Teaching Competence for the Digital World. REVISTA INTERUNIVERSITARIA DE FORMACI脫N DEL PROFESORADO-REIFOP, (91), 105-116. 

However, to start doing an infographic as such we read several guides, this is one of them where creativity is fostered:
Garc铆a Esp铆nola, M. (2019, June 14). Infograf铆a, 8 habilidades creativas debes aprender. Retrieved April 25, 2020, from https://www.paredro.com/infografia-8-habilidades-creativas-debes-aprender/ .

These are the two photographs that we used in our infographic and the rest of them are from the own application, from Canva:
Moreno, F. (n.d.).  Steve Jobs avatar  [Photograph]. Retrieved from https://www.pinterest.ch/pin/551691023086974799/ .  
New York Skyline silhouette. (n.d.). [Photograph]. Retrieved from https://www.clipart.email/download/12011136.html

And finally, these are a website and a video where we got inspiration from and I created a checklist to follow based on these two sources:
Visme. (2017, October 17). How to Create an Infographic - Part4: How to Design Your Infographic [Video file]. YouTube. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/4EwDNokZvCE .
Pavlova, I. (2019, April 29). How to Make an Engaging Infographic: The Full Guide. Retrieved April 25, 2019, from https://graphicmama.com/blog/how-to-make-an-engaging-infographic/ .

This is our checklist to make an infographic:
Checklist - Free travel icons
(free travel icons)

Checking list:

  1. Catchy title.
  2. Header, body and footer.
  3. Header: title, subtitles and your introduction.
  4. Body: different steps, rough sketches or illustrations or symbols, then a different block with graphs, then figures, data...
  5. Visual metaphors and symbols.
  6. Deciding on a visual theme. Bees, orange. COLOURS ARE IMPORTANT. Adobe color cc coolers, palatine. No more than 3 colours. 60% of one colour then 30% of the second colour and just a 10% of the third colour (accent)
  8. Choosing font combinations. Serif font - Sans serif fonts
  9. Script - Sans serif fonts, Lobster - lato, Rokkit-ubuntu, . Distinct fonts with neutral ones.
  10. Achieve contrast and visual hierarchy.
  11. ICONS are really important, replace names and titles with icons.
  12. Stick with one icon style!
  13. Pair icons with fonts and colour palette.
I hope you find these sources useful and we will see you in our last week's task,




Heeeyy guys馃憢. We are Patricia and F谩tima and we hope you are all going well and staying at home馃彙.

Stay safe Stay home by Ilona Wielinga on Dribbble

This week we have been working on doing an INFOGRAPHIC!!!馃椇 It was something new for us. At the beggining we expected that, apparently, it was going to be like a visual representation and, in fact was it. But we didn't know all the meanings and elements that characterized it .

First, as facilitators, just the day after the explanation of the task, we decided to organize a video call馃摴 at 10:30 a.m through Zoom Meeting (as it went perfectly the previous weeks) so that this day we had the roles distributed. For having a general idea in our Wednesday´s discussion, we asked our partners to read the document that concerns "Teaching Competence in the Digital World". It was fundamental that ALL OF US read it to facilitate the selection of information for the infographic model and to put in common how they were going to present the content knowledge.

So....the day of the video call came and we began creating a group  understanding of the components of this teaching digital competence and make sure that all of us have understood the same.
Moreover, after watching the videos about how to create an infographic and by investigating the App for infographics recommended in that video (Visme), we decided to use it. And what is more important.....we assigned the roles!

As we are 8 members in the group, 6 of us got into sum up the information of each component in a way that could be clearly presented in the inorgraphic :
F谩tima: component 1
脕lvaro: component 2
Lorena: component 3
David: component 4
Marina: component 5
Patricia: component 6
Then, Luc铆a and Ver贸nica were selected to design the infographic, since all of us couldn't edit it at the same time. For it we created a common Gmail馃摟 account and we set up another video call for Saturday at 1Although all the group was involved on the design of the infographic, Ver贸nica, Luc铆a and 脕lvaro were the ones that came out with most of the ideas for its pattern and they performed their work perfectly as we all ended super proud of our design.馃挭2:00 a.m to choose the model of infographic, the icons, forms, colors, titles, fonts.... Finally, the infographic was done with Canva's App due to the broader options of edition.

At the end, and despite of some problems of roles' organization due to aspects that we had to add and modify in our blogs after Linda's feedback, everything flowed very well and, of course, our stars✴ Marina and Lorena did it perfectly.....So perfect that I really didn't know if they were a teacher o Steve Jobs....馃憖 THEY WERE THE SUPERHEROES OF THE SPEECH!!

                     Fan Forum - View Single Post - Supergirl in Animation {Cartoon} #01

domingo, 26 de abril de 2020


Hey there! I am Luc铆a, this week's journalist馃摳馃檵

The roles for this week are:

Facilitators: Patricia and F谩tima馃懎
Stars: Marina and Lorena⭐
Analyst: 脕lvaro馃攳
Journalist: Luc铆a馃摳
Curator farmer: Vero馃懇‍馃尵
Translator: David馃搩

Stay tuned to what's coming next: our infographic! We can't wait to show it to you馃榿

See you around馃憢馃徏

viernes, 24 de abril de 2020

MY PERSONAL PLE: David Romero Crespo

Hey, there dear readers!!

How have your holidays been? I hope that you have enjoyed them as much as possible under the circumstances.

Today I am here to show you and explain you my personal learning environment or PLE, so here it is!

I found it quite funny to use an original format and display my PLE as Homer Simpson's thoughts.

Starting up with the upper left corner, we have the collecting section, featuring those sources of information that I use when I have to gather data for my projects. I decided to include those donuts because they are Homer's favorite ones and he is constantly resorting to them, just like me with Wikipedia, UMU's webpage, Youtube, Google, or Urban Dictionary when I have to find something out.

homer simpson eating GIF

Going on with the reflecting part, we have those apps or websites I use to get my work done when I've collected the information, being these either TikTok or Splice video for video creation, or Dibujos de Google to do diagrams like this. There are also some useful tools just like Word to write texts, Excel to elaborate Calculation Sheets and PowerPoint or Prezi to make presentations. This time, we have the duff beer starring in the middle, because when working, homer likes to consume it. In my case, I'm not really into mixing alcoholics with homework, so I use the apps explained before to complete my assignments.

pour a beer homer simpson GIF

Moving on to the next section. we have the sharing in the lower-left corner. This includes those tools I use to share my work with others, a very important part of the work, as it is an easy way to obtain feedback and improve. I usually use Google Drive and Gmail to do this and share my work in a more serious and formal way, as well as Blogger to share this with you guys. I also use Instagram and Whatsapp sometimes because they are an easier and faster way to get in touch with people. The Simpson family is now our main character in this part, as homer is always sharing everything with his beloved ones.

happy homer simpson GIF

To finish with this project, we have the Inspiring part. I've added here those tools that inspire me the most when I need fresh content for my work. I really enjoy diving into these ones to find a crazy and enjoyable way to express my ideas. This time, I used a picture of the monkey with cymbals, because in the series, when someone asks what it's going through Homer's mind, this is the image that is showing off in this head, and where his stupid and crazy ideas come from.

stupid homer simpson GIF

And that's all for tonight!!
I hope you understood and enjoyed my PLE.
See y'all next time!

sad homer simpson GIF

MY PERSONAL PLE: Ver贸nica Cano Egea.

Concerning to my Personal Learning Environment, I have chosen five categories
to divide the elements (resources, activities, sources of information) used for the
management of my personal learning; the ones that I put into practice to create new
projects, the ones that I make use to reflect and get information, the ones that
I use to communicate with others as well as to share information, the ones that I
employ to save all this information and my source of inspiration. 

Moreover, as for the design, it has a symbolic hidden meaning. In the middle
of it, several things are displayed, an avatar of myself between books and next to my
self a chameleon as a symbol that one of the characteristics of my PLE is the
flexibility or the capacity of adapting to the circumstances surrounding me.
Adding to this, the two circles have been merged as in a Venn’s diagram, as to form
an infinity symbol to portray that my PLE is something which is constantly
changing. Furthermore, in the background there is a picture which can be familiar
to most of us, the Main Street of America or the U.S. Route 66, as a metaphor of the
fact that a PLE is something which is endless. 
- Baamboozle: this is a website where you can create your own “quiz”,
this is a very resourceful tool for learning, I use it in my workspace, to make students
learn while having fun playing cooperatively split up in teams. Moreover, I consider
that it is easier to use at class than Kahoot, since you as teacher, are the one who
decides if the answer that they give you is right or not, you don’t have to deal with
connection problems and speed is not important because sometimes faster is not
- Kahoot : I use this application in a similar way to baamboozle, students
are usually more motivated when they are competing between them and this is the
perfect tool to achieve that adding to the disguised element of noticing weaknesses
and strengths in students concerning to the theoretical elements. 
- Miro : this is a genuine application that I have recently discovered where
you can organize your information creating different kinds of diagrams. 
- Prezi : this is a very useful tool to make presentations in a more dynamic
way than powerpoint. 
- Ilovepdf: with this tool you will be able to change, convert and adapt files
in the format that you desire as well as combining different files into just one and
it’s totally free!. 
- Powtoon: this is another application that I usually use to make presentations,
in this case you can use avatars to make it more realistic and it gives you the option
to make videos and upload them to youtube.
- Movavi: as I have had to make many videos and we have a lot more to do, this
programme is the ideal tool to create your videos in the most efficient manner, with
a handful of settings that you can control without difficulty.
- Microsoft word document, excel, ppt: the most common ones are
documents in any format depending on the utility that you want that document for.
- Google docs : this is the perfect tool that you use to create the same types of
documents that you could do with Microsoft Office but it gives you the advantage of
being able to work online in group and save it in real time. 
- Wordreference: this is a tool to broaden our vocabulary bank and it even
has a forum to solve our linguistic queries.
- Linguee: in comparison with Wordreference, this tool puts the word in
context and you can detect the connotation that you want to express with the word
that you have the intention to use in your native language. 
- Google scholar : here you can find plenty of articles to research and
reflect about theoretical tenets. 
- Wikipedia : this website is the most comfortable one to answer your
problems but it is not the most reliable one. 
- Teachers/students/friends/family (shutterstock.com): this is one of the
greatest and most enriching source of the information that I get in my day to day life.
Communicate and share:(getdrawings.com)
- Zoom: this is the videoconference tool that I use in my job, it is very advantageous
since you can share your own screen, share a whiteboard and different tricks which are ideal
to make this situation easier.
- BB Collaborate (academic purposes), Skype(social purposes).
- Whatsapp: I use it not only with a social interest but also to keep up to date with
university notices and announcements.
- Facebook: most of my classmates don’t use this social network, however, in my case
it is the one which I most employ due to the fact that I am in several pages where you can get
information about relevant issues as well as sharing posts of different tasks that I am developing
or tasks which have been carried out in my English academy. 
- Instagram : this is an application that I am not quite fond of making use of it, but it’s
very useful to find resources about teaching methodologies or activities to implement them and
I share the activities that I have carried out as well. 
- AV, Gmail and Outlook(sending emails, tasks and reports with academic,
work and social purposes as well as obtaining information).
- Blogger: thanks to this website I can develop my work in this subject and show you our
weekly progress.
Collect: (dreamstime.com)
-My mind(pngitem) and Google drive: these are the two sources of storage of
my PLE.

Inspire: (clipart-library.com).
- Youtube: with all the videos that I have to create, this is ideal to broaden my creativity.
- Pixabay: this is great to acquire very good quality pictures.
- Spotify: music is always a wellspring of inspiration, I love discovering new songs and
playlists and it makes me feel better working while listening to music, I recommend to you
the playlist called "fuera estr茅s".
- Pinterest: this is a inexhaustible source of resources.
- Kindle: one of my greatest passions is reading, kindle is also great to use nowadays
to show stories to your children by zoom and get inspiration from educational handbooks.
- Friends(dreamstime.com): this is the most inmediate source of new ideas, learning by sharing!

I hope that you enjoy reading this post and learn throughout it!

See you next week,
