lunes, 20 de abril de 2020

MY PERSONAL PLE: Fátima El Mnari Meseguer

Hi guys!! Welcome again to our blog. This week we are presenting you our PLEs. I hope you enjoy my PLE'S GALAXY💓

My personal learning environment is composed by different tools, resources, abilities and networks that I include in my own process of learning. But not only in the University framework but also in other settings as I study at the conservatory (music school) and at the Language School.

Thus, in each component I have presented those tools apart from the mechanisms and activities that I use to accomplish them in my daily life.

Within Reading I have showed the tools in which I engage reading. However not literally the action of reading but also decoding information by hearing and analysing.

TOOLS:I use Word Reference for translating some term that I didn’t understand in english or in arabic ( since I study it in the Language School) and even the Dictionary of the Real Spanish Academy to know the meaning of complex terms in spanish.

Also the Aula Virtual to read how to accomplish the tasks, Gmail to get informed about instructions and news from teachers, and for reading academic articles pdf is very useful for me. Moreover, to gather information I read “El Pais” newspaper.

But it is also very effective learning topics in general listening podcasts that rtve or other websites publish.

I also access to knowledge through text books which I use in some subjects and when studying arabic.

In addition, to improve my knowledge about music, I use to enter YouTube in order to listen to music pieces’ interpretation and IMSLP that is a music library in which you can download musical scores.

Finally, I attend conferences at University to be informed about innovative programs that it proposes such as ERASMUS or others very different tackling topics related to Sostenible Development ( at Odsesiones webpage).

Of course, when accessing information nowadays everybody uses Google, essential to use the previous tools.

MECHANISMS: to engage the process of reading or acceding to the information I carry out research, metacognition, selection of reliable knowledge and contrasting, reasoning, connections among different ideas and overall, interest, energy and enthusiasm.

ACTIVITIES: the mentioned mechanisms are applied in routinary activities like reading academic documents, reviewing a video and attending a conference or simply our teacher lessons.

Otherwise, when Doing or Reflecting while doing I consider fundamental understanding perfectly and clearly what we have searched in the previous procedure. Indeed, trying to explain that information we are reflecting about it and recreating that knowledge, emerging in that way our own ideas and definitions.

TOOLS:Once we have read the academic documents and informations about specific contents of the University, I normally create my own schemas or mind maps in documents through Drive, Word or Powerpoint services or even by hand in pieces of paper. Besides, when we have to expose any presentation in classroom I also appeal to the said resources but frequently I get used to other more attractive platforms such as Prezi or when making videos, Inshot.

I also classify the Blog tool within this component as I realized that showing our knowledge to other people and trying to explain it in the best understandable possible way, we are thinking and reflecting while doing. We are breaking down our whole learning process and reasoning about the steps of acquisition of information. I have experienced it that year since I have never used this resource. In RICT subject we had to up-date our blog every week describing information that we have gathered.

Finally, as I am a musician I have to perform concerts every trimester. Throughout this activity I am thinking deeply about what emotions and feelings I want to show the spectators and how I will do it.

MECHANISMS: for presenting the information successfully I bring about self-reflection, perseverance, critical thinking, analysis, interpretation of the contents but, overall structuration, comprehension, concentration,coherence and order.

ACTIVITIES:I would highlight academic expositions, musical concerts, tasks of each University subject, organization of exam topics and contents, edition of videos.

Finally, another important component is Sharing or what is also called the PLN (Personal Learning networks). It is indispensable within out PLE because through sharing, discussing and dialoguing is arising added knowledge.

For that the tools that I usually use are WhatsApp, Hangouts and Bb Collaborate effective for doing video calls and share personal information; my family since I talk with them about topics related to my several learning setting and also about others that are not related with my academic life but that provide strategies and knowledge about how to handle that ones. Another important tool is friends and partners meetings, where we discuss about the tasks that we have to do in group at University and at the same time provide information and different points of view that allows the comprehension and consideration of personal perspectives and aspects.

The mechanisms that we accomplish are empathy, communication skills, assertiveness, persuasiveness, dialogue, teamwork and tolerance.

The activities where I can practice this component is in friends and family meetings, in University lessons and my music lessons when I talk to my teachers about the progress of my goals and outcomes or in social media conversations.

For finishing I want to explain the metaphor of the galaxy that I try to represent. It means that the PLE is the galaxy. And as we know a galaxy is composed by planets, stars and other particles that are essential for the galaxy to exist. This elements are the three components of the PLE and, thus, they have to remain connected and in armony to favoritize the existence of PLE.

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