viernes, 3 de abril de 2020


Good afternoon bloggers!! 

I'm so excited and I just can't hide it!

saved by the bell "I'm so excited" on Make a GIF

     During this week, I have been performing the role of being the analyst in this group as well as doing my part on this week's project, I was really looking forward to performing this role due to the fact that what I liked the most is analysing and overall providing a feedback to get things better, since comfort zone is not an option in my way of doing things. 

     Don't Step Out of Your Comfort Zone | LISTEN

   However, I must admit that this week's project has been without a doubt the most challenging one that we have faced in this subject. At the beginning of the whole process we didn't know how to represent a PLE, and we just knew theoretical contents but we didn't know how to implement them in the practice. Additionally, we have to give thanks to Alicia from "The Cheetahs" who helped us in solving some of our initial doubts!, by the way you made a great job!

     Moreover, since the task seems to all of us totally abstract, several points of view and ways of performing arose, and the problem was that we were not sure if any of them were the right way of carrying it out, and probably that's exactly the aim of these kinds of tasks, to encourage reflection, brainstorming and through sharing creating greater things, which are going to be differently executed in each others' eyes. Throughout all the projects that we have been doing, this is something that has always happened, but in this case it was more evident than in any other before.

       Concerning to the task content, this task fits like a glove with the peculiar situation we are living since as future primary education teachers, this situation is making us discover many technological tools and applications which can be implemented with educational purposes, and our PLE has changed drastically being now richer and full of different new resources than before.

    In relation to my group's performance, the best moment in this project has been the moment where the diagram was finished despite all the initial doubts, discussions and problems, at least we created a decent diagram. 

     Adding to this, I must say that I am quite proud of how everyone worked to achieve our idea of how to do it but I have to hightlight the work that our stars made, they didn't just present our project to the rest of the class, they took seriously their duties as members of this group and they even created their script and virtually met without being assigned to do that by nobody, something that since the beginning of this course I have been saying, I appreciate a lot the point of having INITIATIVE because sometimes it is difficult that only one person pays attention to every detail. 

    What's more, at the end of the class Linda gave us some tips to improve our task development. One of the things that she told us was that a PLE is something which is not static, it is constantly developing, so that an article was not adequate for a PLE, something which personally I didn't quite undestand since the articles which we chose, they had the option to leave comments and receiving a newsletter to be as in one of them a pro podcaster and to be updated about possible other topics in relation to that same topic.

    Adding to this, some other things that as a group we had to have in mind for future projects is that you can't give up when difficulties appear, and the most essential act that you could do is proposing solutions and implementing changes and not just focusing on how tricky the situation has been planned or any other issues which are more of a burden than any other thing.

Giveup Dinosaur GIF - Giveup Dinosaur Friends - Descubre ...

     It sounds paradoxical just in this situation that we are experiencing as a society to offer this feedback, but there are always days when all we ever encounter are difficulties, not letting us moving forward. Nevertheless, the challenges we deal with along the way are not there to make us give up and just spend the rest of our days being disappointed about life. The challenges found on our paths are meant to test ourselves, to check if we're made of stronger stuff and this is my message to encourage people in this difficult situation that we are going through, you have to always look for the light at the end of the tunnel.

      Summing up, something which is very positive in our group is that most of them are very hardworking people, open to help when it is needed but there is a thing which I really appreciate and it's when some person adds humour in the worst situations. Sometimes, sense of humour can save the whole situation, it makes you stop your stress by a moment, it makes you feel calmer, ready to keep working, leaving apart the seriousness or nerves that some situations can generate and seeing things clearer, there is no doubt that sense of humour is a life skill that everybody needs and now even more.

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