viernes, 3 de abril de 2020

WEEK 8: Curator Farmer

Hello there!! This is David, this time working as the curator farmer. 馃悇馃尡

As everybody may already know, the work on this role consists on gathering all the informational sources of the week's project, and putting them all together to show you guys our harvest of the week so... here is it!!! 馃搵馃

  • 3PlayMedia. (n.d.). Accessibility. Retrieved April 3, 2020, from
  • [How (And Why) to Make a Digital Bulletin Board]. (n.d.-a). Retrieved April 3, 2020, from
  • [How to create a youtube channel]. (n.d.-a). Retrieved April 3, 2020, from
  • Anchor. (n.d.). Phone application: Anchor [Mobile App]. Retrieved April 3, 2020, from
  • Cnet. (n.d.). Documenting. Retrieved April 3, 2020, from
  • Collin Gray, C. G. (n.d.). Podcasting in education: what are the benefits. Retrieved April 3, 2020, from
  • Juan Carlos L贸pez Garc铆a, J. C. (n.d.). [How to use discussion forums in educational processes]. Retrieved April 3, 2020, from
  • Linda Casta帽eda, L. C. (n.d.). Learning about PLE. Retrieved April 3, 2020, from
  • Moodle Youtube Channel. (n.d.). [How to use Forum in Moodle]. Retrieved April 3, 2020, from
  • Sandy Millin, S. M. (n.d.). Using podcasts to develop listening skills. Retrieved April 3, 2020, from
  • STEM Starter Pack Youtube channel. (n.d.). Podcasting for Teachers: How-to Make & Use Podcasts as an Educational Tool. Retrieved April 3, 2020, from
  • Temima High School. (n.d.). [Padlet in Education]. Retrieved April 3, 2020, from
    Yeah... I know this is a little bit confusing, so I´ve elaborated a mind map or diagram in orderto make it more visually appetizing. As we were very proud of our diagram for thepresentation, I've decided to use its model: ❤️馃榾

    I'm going to explain it a little bit, just in case you don't understand it. Each color refers to a different channel, so it is blue for youtube, yellow for the podcast and pink for the announcement board. the title in each circle stands for what we used each source to, and if you follow the arrows, they'll lead you to the link itself. As it is a screenshot you are not able to visit the webpages by clicking on them. If you want to do so, please head to the links posted before. ⬆️⬆️⬆️

    So with that all, my work is done. Hope you everyone liked and stayed safe at home!!
    See you next week 馃グ馃グ❤️❤️
  • MIND MAP (refferences):

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