lunes, 20 de abril de 2020

MY PERSONAL PLE: Lucía Alarcón Galván

Hey everyone!! I am Lucía and this is my Personal Learning Environment (PLE), which I tried to portray in a graphic representation:

As for the type of diagram, I decided to go for a Venn Diagram, for two main reasons. Firstly, all the 3 areas (reading, reflecting while doing and sharing) are what form someone's Personal Learning Environment, when thinking of them as a whole that combines the sources and strategies that we frequently use to learn. Secondly, the 3 areas also might interact with each other, since a lot of the tools and mechanisms used in one area can probably be applied to another one as well, depending on the use we give them. With a Venn Diagram, these relationships can be portrayed in a somewhat easier way.

Regarding the specific parts of my PLE, I’ll try to explain the use I give to each of them. Although most of the tools are digital ones, I also tried to include some that are analogical (because I still like not to rely exclusively on technologies for some things).

  • Reading. There are obviously a lot of different sources for accessing knowledge, but I just included the ones that I frequently use.
- YouTube: one of the most direct and easy ways to look for information, and efficient through the use of both audio and visual components. I especially love it for language learning.
- Blogs and websites: I read some of them, especially when it comes to language learning and music composers. I also use them as a sharing tool (to discuss about topics on them).
- Online Newspapers: to access the latest news.
- Books

  •  Reflecting while doing
- Drive documents: I tend to write a lot of ideas and works on them.
- Notebooks: this is one of the examples of non-digital tools. I use notebooks A LOT. For everything. From writing down ideas (about personal projects) to learning languages
or writing my own musical works.
- Canva: this is an extremely cool graphic design tool that helps me reorganize information in the most eye-catching way possible.

  • Sharing
- Meetings and discussions with friends about common interests: it is undeniable that we can learn a lot from and with others. But it took me a while to realize this.
I now often meet with musician friends and it is both inspiring and enriching, since I learn about both musical and personal aspects with them.
- Discussing class related topics with partners
- Video and phone calls
- Conversations through texting apps

It is important to highlight that our PLE is never static; it continues to change and evolve over time, adapting to our needs in terms of learning.

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