viernes, 6 de marzo de 2020

Analyst Ready to Analyze!

Hi again, this is Megan and this week I have been the analyst.

To begin, I would like to say that I am more tan happy to have been the analyst this week because we have been preparing a lot for this activity and I could not wait to see the result on Tuesday.

For many reasons this task has been important to all of our team. To begin, it was the first time some of our team were having the chance to be actual teachers, but I do have to admit we were lucky because three of us have quite a lot of experience teaching kids so we had a little bit of an advantage.😉😀

As a team, we decided to leave the star roles to two people that hadn´t had the chance to teach before and the result was excellent. Our two stars did a great job and we were all so proud of them. ⭐️⭐️

The week began with PLANNING, that is what we have done most of the time plan, plan, plan. To start, we had a bit of a brain storm to search some ideas and then we chose what most creative and focused ones. we needed to make sure we could carry out a meaningful learning and a great day for the children. 💪😚

Later, we had to plan what materials to use, we decided to adapt a modern cinderella play because we thought this could develop the children´s critical thinking and it is a fairy tale they would all be familiar with.
The characters we chosen for the play were characters that we knew would be familiar for the children, this way they would be motivated and we were sure they would live to pick out their characters.

Last but not least, we had to plan the time we had for each activity. I would say this was the most difficult task. The problema was clear, we wanted to do so many things in so short time.

To be honest, we all agree on the lack of time we had with the children. We would have loved to have the opportunity to spend more time with the children to be able to do more activities.
As a suggestion, maybe for the future it would be a good idea to spend a few hours with the children and not only one hour.
Moreover, as always no matter how much you plan, things can always be improved.
We all agree that we were a bit overwhelmed with nerves.

We had planned to split the group in two so all students could participate more, this went well for the first activities we had planned.

Firstly, the children read the play and each child had a role, we were suprised that they had no problem being whichever role even if it meant for a boy to play a girl or viceverse. We could tell that the kids really enjoyed this.

Secondly, in groups they had to sort out some sentences in English to create a summary. Once they had achieved this task, we had a debate about Cinderella. The children suprised us, they were so open minded considdering their age and decided they wanted to change the end (this was out aim).

Once they came up with a new ending and created a new dialogue we realised that we weren´t going to have enough time for two separate groups to do a stop motion so we improvised and said that one child had to record his voice (interprating the play) two students took the photos and the rest helped to move the characters they had previously voted for.
So in the end we only ended up with one stop motion created by the students but we were happy with that.

As a final conclussion, we have to say that we wanted to do more than was posible and this made us all stressed and a Little dissappointed,

We all got together after the activity on Tuesday and thought about posible improvements for the next activity on the Thursday.
We all came to an agreement. The first thing we did was change the timing and eliminate some of the activities we had prepared although we took them in case we had spare time. Which in the end we weren´t able to use.
The second decission was to take turns between us as teachers, with the children. Obviously there are many of us and we all want to participate as much as posible but we had to be patient and remember we are all a team.
Finally, we realised that we didn´t have to worry to much and concentrate more on the children having a good time and more importantly, on the final task.

We managed Thursday really well, we all left with a much better feeling than on Tuesday and can´t wait for next Tuesday to continue with "Un día en el cole de mi maestro".
This is an excellent activity that we are all so happy to be part of and think it is crucial for us to realise if we are prepared to be teachers and to face the reality in education.
Being in contact with these pupils is the only way to put in practice what we are learning and always be willing to improve. Thanks Linda for giving us this amazing opportunity. 😊

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