viernes, 6 de marzo de 2020

Facilitator: week 4

Hi everyone! I am Lucía and this week my role has been the facilitator👩. That means I've been given the duty to take the leadership of the group for these days, distributing tasks and making sure that things were working fine. It was a bit exhausting at times, since we are 9 people on the group. But most of the members are always willing to help each other to make this project succeed💪

As for this week, we continued preparing the activities from "Un día en el cole de mi maestro".

On Tuesday 3rd, we had our first contact with primary school students👦👧, and I must say that it was a quite interesting experience. For some people it wasn't the actual first contact with kids, since a lot of us have taught or currently teach as a part-time job. Nevertheless, it was stimulating for all of us.

Some aspects I would like to highlight are:
- We found it complicated at first because some unexpected circumstances happened. First of all, we had only 6 kids, when we were expecting around 8. We had to make some adjustments.
- The time 🕒 was a big issue as well. I think we were a bit up to our necks. A mistake we had was trying to do too many things in a short period of time, and making these tasks too long. As a result, we've decided to shorten some of them for the next day we have storytelling, such as making the story they have to read shorter.

In my opinion, the lesson we can take from this is that we have to learn how to be flexible, because not everything can go as we expect it to go. We should always have a plan B in case something doesn't work properly. But that's what these experiences are for: to learn something from our mistakes everytime.

Apart from putting the finishing touches to the storytelling activity, this week we have also been working (and king of struggling) to make Codey Rockey work as we wanted it to. We prepared our marvelous racetrack based on Harry Potter, for which materials and tasks were distributed.

And that's been pretty much our week. We'll keep you updated. Stay tuned for a next post, where we'll tell you more about the robots activity.

See you around!😁

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