viernes, 20 de marzo de 2020


Hello readers!👋👋 I am Patricia and this week I have played the role of curator Farmer🌲. So this week I am the responsable of collecting all the lynks or sites of information📄 that our group has used during these days. This week we have worked more than ever with technological devices💻 and internet📡 sites since we couldn't work together in a physical way due to the Corona virus😓.

Last thursday (12th), we couldn't perform our activities of "Un día en el cole de mi maestro" because the kids didn't come😢, it was a bit disappointing, but we could do them with our classmates💪 and get some feedback from them instead, which was quite useful😃.

For tuesday's class our teacher Linda asked us to modify the thursday's activity (robots)🤖 so that it could be performed in an online way, that is why this week we have needed more digital informational sites than ever.

We redesigned the robots🤖 activity using several information sources related to geometric shapes𑗊△ such us the following ones:

8 plus half. (2020). PRESENTATION TIC.pptx. Retrieved 15 March 2020, from

Clasificación de los triángulos según sus lados y ángulos. (2019). Retrieved 14 March 2020, from

Kahoot Formas geométricas. Retrieved 13 March 2020, from

Kahoot Shapes. Retrieved 13 March 2020, from

Kahoot Triángulos. Retrieved 14 March 2020, from

Verdú Miralles, L. (2017). Los triángulos clasificación. Retrieved 14 March 2020, from

That's all for this week readers!✌☺ Hope you are all okey, remember to take care and stay at home🏡 but keep working hard👍, hope we could go back to normality soon, see you next week!💕


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