jueves, 26 de marzo de 2020

WEEK 7: STARS!!!!!

          Hi again guys👋👋!! This week Patricia and Fátima had the privilege of being stars✴. And the thing is that we have worked very well and we have collaborated with each other.

Resultado de imagen de gifs animados de amigos

           Last Tuesday as you know due to the circumstances, we have done again a videoconference in which our teacher explained us the task of creating a comic. She asked for representing the four potentialities of technology in education in a cave art comic🎨, found in Lemke's document.

           Thus, the facilitator divided the different tasks in order to be efficient and organized. All the steps and the roles that each one have performanced within the activity have been described in the other posts. Don't hesitate to take a look at them👀😉.

           Anyway, we are here to tell you how was our experience. Once we have took the main potentialities of the document📑, we started to decide which of them were the four most important and which would be better represented visually. To make it easier, the facilitator proposed to do a videocall📹.

           Afterwards, we divided the content between us. Patricia explained the introduction and the first three vignettes and Fátima the last three ones and the conclussion. Here you have the potentialities that we have developed in our speech:


We are the stars from “8 plus half” and we are going to explain the work that we have done this week. We have created a “Cave art” comic🎨 (which is a type of comic inspired on the prehistoric paintings, to create it we have been inspired by the animated film “the croods”, that has scenes with this type of art.

In the comic, we represent the importance of 4 different potentialities that have the innovation through technology💻. We have worked as a team💪 for this activity, we divided the work between our members;  Fatima and I we are going to present the task, Lorena and Lucia prepared the dialogue and the information, Alvaro made the drawings and Veronica, Marina and David created the comic.

         On the first scene we can see how our prehistoric family gets in touch with technology for the first time through a time gate.


         On the second one we wanted to represent the importance of the Development of students as informed consumers of information💁, this is one of the potentialities that we found within the innovation of visualisation👀. We have chosen it because we think that it is really important that the students learn to analyse the advertisements and identify digital manipulations in them.


         In this scene, we tried to show the relevance of another potentiality within visualization, which is the Engagement of students in thinking critically and creatively using visuals. Here, the daughter wants to demonstrate his father that technologies also have many benefits. She shows him an application📱 called “Huntingasawayoflife”, where they can find new techniques to improve the hunting.


We want to represent that nowadays people can access to knowledge easily through Internet but
not all the population have equal access to the technological devices.
( In the comic they are sharing the devices and learning how to use them). This potentiality provides opportunity for lifelong individual and group learning, teaches the ability to check reliable information, allows us to use learning objects (Youtube videos, interactive websites) and connects formal (subject to curriculum) and informal learning (unconscious and outside school framework)🧠.


Before describing the image we will explain how educators think about learning in three different ways:
  • Acquisition model: what the individual know and is able to learn.
  • Participation model: focus on interaction within group and team work ability.
  • Knowledge creation model: measure individual’s contributions and the resultant knowledge from working in groups.
In the image we tried to portray how crutial is the team work. But we wanted you to realize that working on groups
doesn't mean only act collaboratelly with the members (participation model) but also analyse the individual contributions
(acquisition model) and the knowledge that emerges from teamwork (knowledge creation model). Recently, in schools is
present the acquisition model. So, schools need a restructuration using these three models in order to engage students in a participatory culture👫👬. This potentiality is important as society requires working in a both participatory and collaborative way because if not will be produced the ripple effect within the group.


In the picture it is seen how the introduction of technology has improved troglodites' life.
To sum up, technology is a successful way of learning and adapting to the demands of the XXI century society. 
However, to engage the mentioned potentialities or innovations required within technology🖥 and that are important to be
informed and cautious users,  they need to be educated in different skills such as creativity, critical reasoning, collaboration, adaptability, multimodal learning, self- direction and information literacy.
As a result, teachers will immerse students in the called authentic learning, being these abilities transversal.

           This was the first time that we have made an online presentation💬, it was a bit stressfull and we were quite nervous but our groupmates helped us a lot and made our task easier👍.

           That's all for this week, we hope you enjoyed our speech and comic, until next week readers!💜

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