viernes, 13 de marzo de 2020


Welcome back!! How are you all doing? Hope you are safe and free from the CORONA VIRUS!
This is David, playing the role of journalist.

Resultado de imagen de cameraman

As you may have experienced, this has been a pretty weird week, and our project has not avoided this issues.

This time, we were focusing on the Augmented Reality (AR for now on) task for the #UDCDMM project.

This work consisted on explaining the kids the water cycle and its stages in a dynamic and entertaining way, leaning on an AR app.
As always, we first performed a groupal brainstorm in order to find a path to follow and make this activity as fun as we could for all the students. We ended up choosing a wonderful idea: we were going to build an artificial landscape with mountains, rivers, clouds and all that stuff, and use it to explain the water cycle over it. To make it even more attractive to the kids, we included an special mountain with its own ice fusion; performing the classical experiment with baking soda!!!

Resultado de imagen de ciclo del agua

This was by far their favorite part of the exercise so we are nothing but proud of it!!

But this is not everything!! The second part of the activity consisted on printing some coloring templates so they could choose their own colors to decorate their landscape. Later, they were able to use our phones with the app and see their artistic creations in AR. The results were crazy, with blue mountains, green skies and red rivers but also very original!!!

This has been a great experience and entertaining task to perform!! Although we only had the chance to deal with two kids instead of the 8-10 expected due to the COVID-19, we are very happy of the result and our performance, so we could say things went good for us through the virus week!

And thats all for today! Hope you enjoyed the week, stay tuned for more and don't leave home in a a few days!!            
Resultado de imagen de virus

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