jueves, 12 de marzo de 2020


Welcome ladies and gentlemen to what seems to be the last week before our classes are suspended because of the terrible desease known as CORONA VIRUS or COVID-19, that is rising alarms all around the world. However, this shall not prevent me from accomplishing my duties, even if i am to perform them at home, it is I, Álvaro, and I am this week´s translator:

Given the recent events, there hasn´t been such a great development in our activities in these past two occasions in comparison to the other weeks, this due to trips being cancelled, children not coming for "un día en el cole de mi maestro" tuesday´s session, which lead to a not such efficient work.

If I were to pick five main core themes out of what has been seen during this week, not many options come to my mind, since no actual values and moral consensus concepts can be mentioned here, only terms from the activities we perform, I would rather redirect my attention towards one of the two effective activities we have performed this week, and that is the virtual reality session, taking the water cycle into a very interesting mockup of how it works. Through this I will be taking the five core themes, which happen to be five phases:

- Evaporation: The water cycle starts with evaporation. It is a pocess where water at the surface turns into vapors, as it absorbs heat energy from the sun and turns into vapors. Water bodies like the oceans, seas, lakes, and the river bodies are the main source of evaporation. Through this, water moves from hydrosphere to atmosphere.

- Condensation: as water turns into vapor, it rises up to the atmosphere. At high altitutes, vapors change into minuscule particles of ice for the low temperatures, after this, these particles gather and form clouds and fog.

- Precipitation: clouds then pour down as precipitation due to wind or temperature change. This occurs because the water droplets combine to make bigger droplets. Also when the air cannot hold any more water, it precipitates. At high altitudes,  temperature is low and hence the droplets lose their heat energy. These water droplets fall down as rain. If the temperature is below 0 degrees, water droplets fall as snow.

- Fusion: the process of solid to liquid in terms of water temperatures.

- Infiltration: Some of the water that precipitates does not run off into the rivers and is absorbed by the plants or gets evaporated. It moves deep into the soil. This is called infiltration. The water seeps down and increases the level of ground water table. It is called pure water and is  furthermore, drinkable. The infiltration is measured as inches of water-soaked by the soil per hour

All these definitions directly taken from a conglomeration of webs such as https://es.slideshare.net/jacki7/fases-del-ciclo-del-agua-3359648?next_slideshow=1 and https://erenovable.com/que-es-el-ciclo-del-agua/
There are more concepts that i could technically use in this context, however non so significant as these to tell the truth.

One little draw back we had during our activity primarily remains as the fact of only having two children to perform it, which limits our efficiency as many of us will stay without doing anything remarkable, however it was still an important experience, were we learn to expect the unexpected and be prepared for it. We had another session the past thursday that was certainly more efficient with more children, most actively participating, when it came down to using the robot that is, though it still was a significantly more efficient session than the one on last tuesday and not many draw backs came to mind aside from keeping the children´s attention on the activity and the posible mechanical issues that may come.

But nothing that cannot be solved through effort and manteinance that is

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