sábado, 7 de marzo de 2020

Curator farmer week 4

Welcome ladies and gentlemen, it is i, Álvaro, and for this week i have ben charged with all duties related to that of a curator farmer, not the best asignment for me i recon, but still a new chance to learn:

Upon introducing this week, we have finally been able to meet with our children from "un día en el cole de mi maestro", where we have performed our presentations fullfilling our roles as best as we could and further beyond. Such as with the story tellin activity, in which all students generally participated and where able to create a good stop motion by the end.

Though there were a number of difficulties, mainly presented in the codey Rocky activity, where it seems that the children arrived later than expected due to a number of factors. Despite this, we where still able to acomplish our given tasks for the activity, properly teaching them how to program the basics of our dear Harry Potty.

And for this, we have met ourselves in need of some sources as to improve our perfomance, and for an easier understanding of these, here is a more less accomplished mindmap:

MakeBlock. (2020). Mblock (3.0) [Aplicación Móvil]. MakeBlock. Downloaded from

Codey Rocky:conoce al nuevo robot infantil que quiere enseñar a los niños a programar!. (11 May 2018). Recovered from

ChromvilleWorld. (2019). Chromvillescience (1.9). [Aplicación Móvil]. Chromville. Donwloaded from

Cateater. (2019). Stop Motion Studio ( [Aplicación Móvil]. Play Store. Downloaded from

ID Card. (23 February 2020). In Wictionary. Taken from
MIND MAP: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_ktB5_oI=/

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