viernes, 20 de marzo de 2020


Hello readers!!

I am Marina Ruipérez, this week's journalist💕. My role this week has been to report our work from Thursday to these days.

On Thursday, as "Un día en el cole de mi maestro" was not held due to COVID-19😷, we represented our Codey Rockey activity to our classmates "Games of phones":

This is the video of how Harry Potty performed his circuit according to the coding of our colleagues:

Just as they showed us their augmented reality activity.

The task of these days has been to prepare how we would have done this activity (Codey Rockey) through social networks.
We performed this work on Tuesday in a videoconferencing class using the Blackboard Collaborate app due to class cancellation at the university💣.
Our stars Verónica and Lucía did it divinely!!

As journalist, I have been researching different blogs and I have found this article very interesting of how teachers can work from home, on this page they give you some advices and make good recommendations that have helped us a lot because in this situation we find it very useful💪

Regarding the blogs of our classmates, I have decided to choose "Games of phones"'s blog, specially the journalist's post:
My mate Silvia has explained their week very well and she did a great job.

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